bmgbochur said...
I'm first for once.
1/26/2006 3:08 PM
bmgbochur said...
ok I just read your post.
and for the only simchas post:
mazel tov, shevi and the lucky chosson, omg, I can't believe it, wow, your engaged, didn't I just see you yesterday, you should be zoche to build a bnb and be a source of nachas for your whole entire family, your chasunah should be at the right time, and you should live hapily ever after.
on a serious note, a big mazel tov to you, I think this is the biggest simcha ever on blogsphere. (just don't show your chosson the blog!)
it is so nice, and hopefully soon all you fellow blogsters will get engaged.
1/26/2006 3:14 PM
Y.Y. said...
mazel tov indeed
lots of luck !
1/26/2006 3:20 PM
Mata Hari said...
Mazel Tov! Wonderful news.
1/26/2006 3:24 PM
Y.Y. said...
also elisheva i think this blog will now take a huge turn as new issues will be your concern
1/26/2006 3:26 PM
Y.Y. said...
one thing i noted that you seem to assume too much about your chossen you keep saying you think this and you think that
shouldnt you know for sure?
also not telling him about your blog is a step in the wrong direction as you will get used to hiding stuff from him
1/26/2006 3:28 PM
Elisheva said...
YY. Thanks for your concern. I say I think because my Bubby always says no one knows for sure until after 120. We do our best and trust we made the right decision. I don't mean I think as in a vague feeling. I mean it as in what I really believe from what I know.
As far as the blog. Trust me, I thought about this long and hard. Like I said, I did tell him about going online and stuff. I don't think I have to go into specifics, but he knows what I think I should have told him. He didn't even know what a blog was when I mentioned them to him. But I understand your concern, it is a very valid concern I thought about and hope I made the right decision.
I once heard a tape from R' Avigdor Miller where he says that while a couple shouldn't always keep secrect from each other, they are also stupid if they feel they have to tell each other of all their failings. So there is a fine line here.
1/26/2006 3:41 PM
Y.Y. said...
wow! thnx for the quick response
R' avigdor was a wise man indeed
1/26/2006 3:51 PM
s.f said...
mzt & u should build a bayis neeman byisraol
1/26/2006 3:51 PM
Halfnutcase said...
i was starting to wonder a bit, anyway all for the best. mazel tov!
1/26/2006 4:00 PM
Limey2001 said...
its like OMG Mazal Tov!!!
May you build a BNB
1/26/2006 4:14 PM
typically frum said...
mazel tov. how were you able to hold it in all this time?
1/26/2006 4:18 PM
skeptic said...
She is NOT engaged just taking us all on for a ride.
1/26/2006 4:26 PM
Elisheva said...
I don't know if it is better not to call attention to it, or that I should. But I imagine sooner or later someone will discover it.
I was told, and checked, that there is a Shevy from Lakewood who is on OnlySimchas from last week. NO, I am not her! I would never do that to her. And I wouldn't post it like this if I saw myself there.
Mazel Tov to her as well!
1/26/2006 4:27 PM
typically frum said...
skeptic: you wish!!
anyway if its not true i get her first, lol!!!
1/26/2006 4:34 PM
ms. shtark said...
mazel tov!!!!!!!!!! All the best, my heart is bursting with happiness for you and i am smiling so wide as I write this. everything should go smoothly. engagement is not easy. i was never engaged but i heard from alot of friends that alot of second guessing goes on so if you ever have some of it, just know that it's normal. i don't know why i told you that but i just want everything to go real nice and smooth. all the brachos in the world to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wow i am so happy!!
1/26/2006 5:23 PM
Scraps said...
Mazal tov! May you have lots of simcha, bracha, mazal, and shalom bayit, and may you be zocheh to build a bayit ne'eman b'Yisrael together.
1/26/2006 5:28 PM
Semgirl said...
Ok, I already wished you Mazel Tov several times in private email.. But it would be wrong if I didnt so publicly here. I wish you all the Nachas in the world. May you be zocheh to build a bayis neeman b Yisroel and only experience happines bizt a hindrid in Tzvunsik..
And may we share many Simchas for many years to come..
1/26/2006 5:30 PM
Elisheva said...
I was waiting for you SG, especially. Your wishes mean so much to me. Thanks to everyone else too. All of you are so kind.
Ms. Shtark, special thanks and also for the advice. I will take any I can get and hope I will make the best of all of it.
1/26/2006 5:47 PM
Anonymous said...
There were 2 shevy's from lakewood on only simchos
1/26/2006 7:07 PM
Anonymous said...
and two ruchy's saying OMG MT
1/26/2006 7:09 PM
Jewboy said...
Mazel Tov!!
1/26/2006 7:24 PM
Eshet Chayil said...
wow, I sure am late! Mazal tov eli. Keep us posted!
1/26/2006 8:45 PM
Josh said...
Eli - A huge mazel tov! These are the kind of surprises we can appreciate. You and your chosson should build a Bayis Neeman B'Blogland (and B'Yisroel). Seriously, I hope you never lose your open mind. And I hope we don't lose you in blogland. When do we meet the Chosson? He can't hide from us forever! You guys should share the best life together, and bring nachas to all Klal Yisroel.
1/26/2006 10:07 PM
LIKE mazel tov what happened to all the LIKES?
1/26/2006 11:48 PM
ClooJew said...
Mazel tov to you both!
ALL the guys here are, lulei demistafina, SOOO jealous (but not me of course). I'm coming out of hibernation here just to wish you all the very best.
Wonderful, wonderful news. May you build a bayis neeman beyisrael together.
1/27/2006 12:29 AM
Elisheva said...
CJ!!! I missed you, really. I hope you are hibernating for a good reason. I really appreciate your good wishes. That was so nice to come on. It means a lot to me.
And I like edited my post cause like many people like e-mailed me about it and I figured I'd try harder. My chosson first like told me it was cute. Then after we got engaged we were talking once Shabbos afternoon and he is, "Elisheva, like please!" so I pouted and was like I thought you thought it was cute. And he is like when we started I did, and it still is, but this is a months more worth of likes!
But really, he told me it doesn't bother him, and it is cute (at least he says so, maybe he's just being nice) but he thinks I should tone it down at least to sound a drop more grown up. He doesn't want people to think he is marrying a 10th grader!
1/27/2006 12:45 AM
Anonymous said...
I think you should tell him about the blog even if he isn't familiar with blog-world, you can explain it to him... I apologize in advance if this advice hurts you in any way, but it is in my opinion as a married woman and one that's been in a wonderful relationship for a while now that you must be very open with him regarding such things and even if this is your private-diary-like-venting place, still you are in contact with people in some sort of a way and the point is that I know I wouldn't want my hubby to keep such a thing from me, I wouldn't mind if he blogged but I'd like ot be a part of it, to see it etc. think about it, wouldn't you?
1/27/2006 6:41 AM
On The Derech said...
Mazal Tov Elisheva!! May you be zoche to build a BNB full of clarity and happiness!
1/27/2006 9:36 AM
Y.Y. said...
5 "likes" left in your latest post and then its "like" free!
1/27/2006 11:37 AM
Limey2001 said...
The engagement period is full of doubts the last thing you want to do is tell him when he might not be able to handle the truth and even if he can, his mother or any other person he would seek for advice may say something stupid, wait till you're married.
Then again if he does find it.......well if he isn't a man enough to understand or live with it he's not good enough for you
In my opinion there is a big difference between honest and open and drowning a fiancee in every sordid detail of your life like you mentioned before from Rabbi Miller (you can always refer him to this post if he CH"V finds out)
1/27/2006 11:37 AM
FrumSingleGuy said...
Mazel Tov Mazel Tov,
May you guys be zoche to build a beautiful loving relationship together and bezras hashem healthy and cute children. May you never forget the beautiful things that you find in eachother and may you always take a piece of the spark you have now- with you forever.
Elisheva, I look forward to reading more posts on your blog about your life now. And I proposition you to have your chosson become a guest blogger on your blog. What do you say guys? At least one post!
1/27/2006 12:15 PM
Josh said...
Wow, CJ's back! Elisheva you really are special - It's like an idyllic Blogville Reunion. We share simchas!
1/27/2006 12:27 PM
Dave J. said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
1/27/2006 12:53 PM
Elisheva said...
Thank you everyone for all the beautiful brachos. They really brought tears to my eyes. (That is happening quite often lately...) It is so nice the achdus and that certain connection that we share here on the blogs. I wonder why that is? Maybe someone can do a post on that.
About the blog and my chosson. I see that this is like becoming a thing and I totally undertsand. Like I said before and you can surely understand, I thought about this long and hard. I wish I could have asked advice, but that wasn't really feasable.
I think some of you misunderstood. When I say I told him that I go online, I didn't mean in a general way. We had a talk. I waitied until we both knew this was like happening, and I trusted that he saw me for what I am. Believe me I would have rathered not saying a thing, and until the last second I kept thinking maybe I should, but I just couldn't go into this wondering what if he finds out and then...
So I explained that I got a computer and he knew by then from lots of stuff we talked how i am like so curious about everything and not just satisfied with pat answers and like that. I told him I looked around online. He was like is it true what they all say? I told him that surely there are parts that are pretty scary and more than that. I said that obviously I myself didn't go to these terrible places (which is true)but like I can see what is out there and how bad it can get. I did admit that I did read and check out stuff that i probably should not have, and I understand why i would never want my child to have like free acess to go online, and maybe even myself at my age, curiousity (I didn't use the word horniness, I would die to tell him that) can get the better of me and I am not saying it was even good for me.
But like I told him that this is what I am, like who he sees today is me so if there is anything negative that happened to me, then this is me, and if he thinks I am okay (he laughed at that) then it means that whatever I am it was after seeing and reading whatever I did.
I don't know if I'm being clear. Sometimes these conversations are hard to put in writing. The thing is I told him that boys can e-mail you and also people you don't know. I told him how scary it is like if people who are not that strong would meet people from online, but I would never do that. And like the truth is I never did, and I know he trusts me on that. In a way it was so funny because I never dreamed I would have to explain the whole computer thing to a guy I was dating. He was the first guy I dated like that. I've dated more "yeshivish" guys than him who knew all about computers, internet and even blogs. I like gave him a crash course and I admit about the things that aren't good and I said it was a naughty part of me I guess that I just didn't comform and checked it out myself. But I hope i was mature enough to understand things and put them in the right context and not do anything stupid.
Was I influenced by this? I probably was. So like I said, this is me, so what you see is what I am.
The thing about R' Miller above, was that no, I didn't tell him details of what I saw, what was a nisayon for me, what made me horny and what I read that I shouldn't have. Like I said i think this a real fine line, and i thank Hashem that he understood and I guess likes me the way I am. I at times regretted going online just because I wonder if anyone would understand and maybe I really should not have ever started. Whatever, hashem was good to me and maybe because I was strong and like I am not saying I am any kind of saint, cause I totally thought things and flirted a drop and things like that, but I did control myself and didn't do anything stupid even though the hormones can like rage sometimes.
So maybe I did a better job explaining this now. So, no, he doesn't specifically know I have my own blog (yes I do wonder what he'd think!), but he knows that I write to people and chat, and check things out and what I believe about it.
Thanks again for all the wonderful brachos and best wishes and IY"H (if I can write that here, it is only from truly heart-felt feelings) by all of us!
1/27/2006 1:33 PM
Halfnutcase said...
elisheva, i didn't forget to give you a mazeltov, its comment ten, but anyway mazeltov.
i hope you have many happy years together, and that when ever you fight you should make heart felt appologies to each other.
1/27/2006 2:19 PM
Semgirl said...
Shev... very nice comment .. Hope I am going to hear from you before Shabbos..
1/27/2006 2:43 PM
Elisheva said...
HNC - Sorry. Guess I missed it and I do think about you so I wanted to make sure. That was a very cute bracha and I guess realistic. IY"H it should always be mekuyam.
SG - You did!
Gut Shabbos all.
1/27/2006 3:19 PM
Anonymous said...
Mazel tov. I am one of probably many people who have lurked on your Blog but never commented. However for such good news i felt it is only proper that i should wish you much Mazel and Hatzlocha.
1/28/2006 8:17 PM
Chillin in The Lake said...
I am soo happy for you Mazel Tov. Now I see why u did not write back... You know feel free.... Im so happy for you hope you enjoy every second of it now and cherish it later....
1/28/2006 9:36 PM
G Green said...
מזל טוב!
I dont think you'd need to tell him everything you have seen or written online, just as you wouldent need to tell him everything you have ever done or said to anyone in person. (I am guessing u havent given him blog address.) I think going forward though, you need to be open about it.
1/28/2006 9:56 PM
Mata Hari said...
Eli - Are you going to continue blogging?
1/28/2006 10:05 PM
turquoiseblue said...
Elisheva - **MAZAL TOV** again! And I ditto all the wonderful wishes/berachaos blogcommenters sent your way...
R'Miller is right... there is absolutely no need, to tell your chosson about your blog... especially if he doesn't really know what it is. It is enough that you gave him a general idea that you are internet savvy but know your limits etc etc... IMHO.
Hope you'll continue to blog - but if not - at least it will be for a GREAT reason!
1/29/2006 1:13 AM
Elisheva said...
Gut Voch everyone. It's like too late and I better go to bed fast. I just had to write a cute thing that happened with my chosson this Friday night.
He ate by us the Friday night meal. And my brothers were talking about BMG (yeshiva) politics (does that like ever stop?) and they were saying how there are supposed to be blogs just about all this stuff and what they heard was on it. And I'm like edgy because of all the talk of blogs.
So one of my brothers teases my chosson, like you don't have a clue about these things. So he says, "Elisheva is giving me an educaton." So my father says, it's really not good for you to know too much, Elisheva.
And my chosson says, "Elisheva is such a good girl (and my siblings are all rolling their eyes, lol!) so she obviously can handle whatever she knows."
Thought that was real neat and my father was like stumped for a minute. But I do think he was happy. (My mother on the other hand...) It's nice to have someone stick up for me, but more importantly, I think it means he 'gets' what I thought he did.
1/29/2006 2:21 AM
Anonymous said...
Mazel tov. Cute story, but it can be a dead giveaway if anyone who knows the story from you or your chosson or your siblings happens to see it written here.(unless this is the only place you mention it and you dont think that anyone else would mention it.)
1/29/2006 2:57 AM
Michelle said...
Mazal Tov! All the best, kid.
1/29/2006 12:52 PM
Elisheva said...
Thanks Michelle. And hope your blog wins!
Anon, don't worry, I don't tell like hardly anyone in real life about my blogs or that I know about them, so like this isn't the type of stuff I tell my friends and the truth is my frummy friends wouldn't exactly think it is a good thing either.
1/29/2006 6:38 PM
Lvnsm27 said...
Oh my gosh!
Mazal Tov! And hatzlacha :)
1/29/2006 6:53 PM
Semgirl said...
Hello Elisheva ..happy surfing..
1/29/2006 11:14 PM
AnonyOne said...
mazel tov!
1/29/2006 11:21 PM
Pragmatician said...
Terrific news, you can see how many bloggers are joining in your Simcha.
I don't think you have to tell him about your blog, unless you want to of course.
1/30/2006 8:19 AM
Anonymous said...
Long time reader, first time poster.
Big Mazal tov to you.
Finaly you can share your frilly undergarments with someone. Does he know about the fetish for animal print?
1/30/2006 9:14 AM
Moochy said...
Its fun to be happy for a stranger :)
Mazel Tov!!!
1/30/2006 10:44 AM
Anonymous said...
MAZEL TOV!!!I feel like a friend got engaged.May your chossen only see the good side of you.So is yor chossen a dorm guy or an irv guy?
1/30/2006 1:54 PM
Anonymous said...
from the crazy house
1/30/2006 2:19 PM
Elisheva said...
That was really nice, last anonymous, lol! Or was that no pun intended?
Pragmatician and Moochy and the others, thatks so much. it's really so nice and cool in a way all the anonymous sharing and well wishing. By all of you whatever you need.
And gosh, i didn't realize a one time buy as a teen-ager classifies as a fetish! I don't think I'll live that one down here in blogville. I really was talking more lace than animal prints. And IY"H I do hope to try as best I can to do whatever it is I am supposed to do to make our life together purposefull, and fun too!
1/30/2006 2:56 PM
specialx2 said...
Ok - My personal Mazal Tov!
Yes, I do sometimes post here on your blog, but with your so many commentors, I guess my small remarks get lost in the crowd! Mazal Tov Mazal Tov! I am so very happy for you. May you ALWAYS be lucky enough to be HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY! Thanks for your entertaining blog!
1/30/2006 4:17 PM
s.f. said...
so dear y not tell y not tell us a bit about the lucky guy, his personlty, how old is he /is he a bmg guy/do u ppl have a chasuna date yet/ did we miss your shower or can we still participate/(i suggest we have our own i would participate)will u be living in lkwd/ey/elsewhear? is it long time learning/couple years then chinuch/work ? i m (as prob. all of us r )bursting with ? ,so elisheva share the details, also i m wondering if u will invite all the gf from blogworld ,sg,fg,ec.otd.& all the rest (for the guys well i m sure the lkwd guys have there guesses as to who u r so u never know they may pop in at katzad mrakdim lol)who will u go to for kalah clases egk/eh/(forgot the others lol)?
1/30/2006 5:41 PM
Elster said...
Mazal Tov. Wonderful news
1/30/2006 5:47 PM
FrumGirl said...
Mazel Tov! What wonderful news! May you build a BNB... and much hatzlacha!
1/30/2006 6:00 PM
Anonymous said...
Whatever you do make sure you go to someone good for your kallah classes. You dont want some rebitzen to start stuffing chumras down your throat. Many of the kallah teachers make it sound shameful to be expressive of yourself.
Most the chumras the kallah teachers tell you are really going to suprise your chosson
1/30/2006 8:40 PM
The Rabbi's Kid said...
It is wonderful to hear you have found your bechirat libech, the one who will walk through life's travails with you and be there for you whenever you need. I hope that you have many long years of happiness together, health, simcha, and only good times.
1/31/2006 2:51 AM
Datingmaster, Jerusalem said...
mazaltov may you be happy together and also show a lot of understanding
1/31/2006 8:47 AM
A Frum Idealist said...
Mazal Tov. All the very best to you and your chosson
1/31/2006 9:33 AM
Elster said...
I know I posted a mazal tov but it seems to have disappeared. So...once again, Mazal Tov Elisheva - only health, happiness and (many) children with your new chosson.
1/31/2006 10:01 AM
Shevy said...
OMG!!!! MAZEL TOV Elisheva!!! I am sooo excitement for you and can't wait for your wedding. Looks like you and Chosson make a surprisingly gorgeous couple! U know we've been waiting for this day ever since Chol Hamoed St. Patricks Day. I remember that time in Israel when you got ur liver stuck in the door like it was yesterday. Oy, those were the dayz. May you two love-coffee be zoche to have a long, warm, and happy life together 4eva, and build a bayis ne'eman b'Lakewood!!!! Seeya at the Shmorg!!!! Love, Me(duh!!)
Generated by the Only Simchas Comment Generator from bangitout.com.
1/31/2006 10:26 AM
Mata Hari said...
shevy - why a surprisingly gorgeous couple? what's surprising about it?
now you've tantalized us with quasi-details. of course we want more.
1/31/2006 12:29 PM
David_on_the_Lake said...
Mazel Tov....
So nice to hear Good News..
Iy'h by all of you..Soon...
1/31/2006 1:11 PM
Elishava'a Choson said...
Well, all of you commentators know that Elisheva is not going to be blogging after we're married.
1/31/2006 2:37 PM
Elisheva said...
Again, everybody, this is really overwhelming. It's like a whole other vort after the real one. I think it is so nice and all the wishes mean much to me and I so davcen for all of you for whatever you need.
Specialx, sorry if it came out wrong. I did think I saw you here, but not too much. It is hard to remember with so many comemnts and so little time to read them and post. I meant I didn't think you visited here regularly. Thanks loads for the well wishes.
s.f. I hope to post some details soon.
Shevy, that was so cute and hysterical!
Mati, she didn't mean anything real, so no little details. She was imitating the typical OnlySimchas posts.
My "chosson", very cute. You wish! I just feel I have to clarify because of all the wacky e-mails I am getting with like theoties and stuff: No, this guy is not my chosson, and no one here knows me (I hope) so don't go crazy. Everything is in good humor (I hope). I love you all (okay maybe not all and maybe not love, but you get my feeling) but I just think for me as much as I'd love to share everything with everyone, I just think anonymity will work the best for me, otherwise my blog is over. So I hope to post soon with details so you can get the general feel, while protecting my future and that of this blog.
1/31/2006 2:45 PM
specialx2 said...
Thanks Elisheva!
We're waiting for the details eagerly!
1/31/2006 2:52 PM
Elishava'a Choson said...
Yes, I was just joking, you CAN continue your blogging.
1/31/2006 2:55 PM
Mata Hari said...
eli -
why don't you register at macy's under elisheva semstory and see how many gifts you get :)
i love how you call me mati - you turned an international spy into a jewish name.
1/31/2006 3:26 PM
Bracha said...
Mazel Tov Elisheva! (Is that your real name) Only happiness and health and allgood things for your chosen and yourself. May you build a bayis neemon byisroel!
Want to go lingerie shopping with me??? Best,
1/31/2006 6:13 PM
Anonymous said...
Elisheva, you say that noone here knows you. I bet that half the girls on here are your real life frummy friends and you all think you are the only one of your group of friends blogging. Just joking but hey you never know.
1/31/2006 6:20 PM
Elisheva said...
Anonymous, that is a very good observation, and I like wonder about that all the time. Like are my friends as out of the things as I think they are? or maybe not, cause like I'm sure lots of them think I am also a typical frummy aidel maidel just like them. Or maybe they think they are more worldly than me and are embarrassed to talk just as I am.
But then again, I do think most of my good friends know that I am a little more worldly, not as party-line as them and lots of them ask me stuff when suddenly they need an opinion of like real life as opposed to how it's 'supposed' to be.
Either way, even if half of you are my great friends (lol, what a thought!), we don't know that, and that's what I meant.
Bracha, I'd honestly love to. Like I didn't start classes yet, but it doesn't seem like shopping wait till then. My mother already is making plans for all the shopping, and though she seems more flexible since I got engaged, I am not comfortable asking her stuff and she isn't really telling me things outright, just that now I can buy stuff more suitible for a kallah - whatever that means.
So much as I think my gut femininity is good here, a little help from a married frum lady who understands me and where I am coming from would be great. Most of my friends are still single and either way, I never went lingerie shopping with them. My sem friends, who I have gone with, would be too immature about this, and though i admit I was immature with them too, at least now I would like to do thinks right and be a little grown up. Okay, just rambling, but I'll manage, like I hope IY"H I will figure everything out in the right way.
1/31/2006 6:50 PM
eli said...
Mazel Tov Elisheva.... I am extremely happy for you..
www.esefer.blogspot.com has a whole post on Lakewood blogs and you aren't even mentioned. Thats not right..
1/31/2006 7:30 PM
Anonymous said...
A word on Calla classes..be afraid, be very afraid. And take everything the lady says with a grain of salt..Then tell your husband to speak to the Rov of Forest Park.. It will save your Shalom Bayis..
1/31/2006 7:56 PM
FaigyP said...
See you in Saposh 2
1/31/2006 7:58 PM
nobody28 said...
Mazal Tov!!!
I know you don't really know me, though I have commented on your blog a couple times, but I would be willing to be the "married frum lady" - anonymously of course, that could answer questions you have through email.... post here if your interested and I'll email you (you could ask semgirl about me if you're nervous...)
2/01/2006 8:39 AM
specialx2 said...
Nobody28 - May we all come to you for classes, or only Elisheva?
2/01/2006 9:44 AM
Limey2001 said...
Go to Yuyu Freedman for kalla classes (stay away from the kotler s. JMHO)
Hey anon are you like crazy??? why should she be afraid??
Dont be afraid at all just if you have like a question, ASK! If you don't understand, ASK!
The main problem both boys and s have is they are afraid to ask.
WE took the JME course in Israel (but don't practice here in lakewood because ......better left unsaid or in a different blog) and they had a question and answer session with everyone passing their questions up on paper (to preserve Anonimity) you'd be surprised what was asked, given the opportunity. if you have any
questions we'd be happy to answer
2/01/2006 10:28 AM
geshmaker said...
MAZAL TOV!!!!!!!!!
i was out of the office for a few days so i did't hear the good news! may you be zoche to build a bayis ne'eman b'yisroel, l'shem u'lisif'eres.
no advice from me, i'm sure you'll figure it all out without my help.
2/01/2006 10:42 AM
nobody28 said...
specialx2 - lol - no classes, just someone to ask questions to if needed.....
2/01/2006 11:01 AM
specialx2 said...
nobody - whatever you call it, is the offer only for elisheva, or a public offer?
2/01/2006 11:17 AM
Bracha said...
I'm sure you will do just fine shopping on your own for lingerie.
But understand that your husband probably won't appreciate at first at least the effort that you put in to buy and wear fine lingerie but wear it for yourself and he will come around hopefully.
Again, if you have any questions, feel free to give me a shout at brachawein@gmail.com
2/01/2006 11:19 AM
Fotheringay-Phipps said...
My advise is to close this blog immediately. If you are what you portray yourself as and your choson is anything like you are portraying him, that is. I haven't read through everything you've written, but I've seen a lot of stuff you've written which would cause any serious yeshiva guy to rethink (rightly or wrongly) whether this is really someone he should be marrying.
I obviously agree that you should not tell your choson anything about this blog. But I also think you are living very dangerously in your assumption that you can expect your identity to never be exposed. There are a lot of other people who have operated with this assumption and turned out to be wrong. IMHO, you really have to be prepared for the possibility that your choson will end up reading every word you've written here. Not a pleasant thought (again, if the guy is as yeshivish as you suggest).
I don't expect that this opinion will be positively received on this blog, which contains people of divergent backgrounds, united mostly in their favorable opinion of blogs. And I don't really expect that you will give up this fun outlet either. But that's what I think, and as you seem like a decent person, I figured that opinion should be out there as well. Your call.
2/01/2006 1:12 PM
nobody28 said...
specialx2 - sure you can ask - but I don't want to post my email, and I see you don't have yours posted.... let me know how to get in touch with you...
2/01/2006 1:47 PM
specialx2 said...
See - Thats a problem, I can't post my email here either!
2/01/2006 2:01 PM
nobody28 said...
:) I guess we're both paranoid people!
2/01/2006 2:01 PM
limey said...
Nobody and special get gmail accounts! they are free, have auto forward and can be anon!
2/01/2006 2:07 PM
specialx2 said...
Limey - so can aim, yahoo, and aol accounts be....
2/01/2006 2:43 PM
specialx2 said...
Limey - so can aim, yahoo, and aol accounts be....
2/01/2006 2:43 PM
specialx2 said...
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
2/01/2006 2:43 PM
limey said...
so post your email!
2/01/2006 3:49 PM
limey said...
or are you just a troll.........
2/01/2006 3:50 PM
specialx2 said...
a troll?
2/01/2006 4:01 PM
Elisheva said...
Wow, lots of advice. My friend said the most advice you get is when you are pregnant, but I wonder if on the blogs maybe it's when you are engaged.
About the classes, I realize it is a sensitive subject and people have stories. I have heard some (in general terms) as well. I don't think this has to be discussed here. Let's just say that I am not the typical just follow the crowd girl, so I am doing research, and yes, I will ask if I have to, if not the lady I am by, then I will find some one I am more comfortable with (I hope...) So let's leave that. I hope I'll be alright.
F-P ( I can't figure out that name, but okay...) I see you mean your advice well. I do see your point. You may be right and I'm being silly and pushing the limits. But I did say that he is NOT your typical yeshivish guy, liek others I have dated who i have no boubt would dump me in a second if they knew, just as I wasn't interested in those kinds.
He is frum, a ben torah, and not worldly, but not party line close-minded yeshivish. No, I can't picture him, reading my blog, like I can't picture talking to him about lots of things yet. But I do think we will get closer and I can't say that he would be necessarily upset about anything I posted here. Maybe shocked about stuff he doesn't know, or doesn't know I know, but not upset. And it wouldn't be a shock about a blog, because he does know a little. But Again, you have a good point, and either way, I have some topics I would like to post about and after that I just don't know what will be.
Nobody, I always wondered why you were a regular on SGs and other blogs and not here. I thought you must have not gone for my style or whatever. I was always impressed with what you wrote. I would be glad to have a frum married normal person to e-mail, especially one that understands Lakewood.
Bracha I will e-mail you too IY"H.
2/01/2006 4:06 PM
limey said...
Internet troll
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In Internet terminology, a troll is a person who posts rude or offensive messages on the Internet, such as on online discussion forums, to disrupt discussion or to upset its participants. "Troll" can also mean the message itself or be a verb meaning to post such messages. "Trolling" is also commonly used to describe the activity.
2/01/2006 5:33 PM
Anonymous said...
What would be realyy funny is if your chosson was "yeshivabochor"
2/01/2006 6:02 PM
Elisheva said...
limey, I don't think anyone is trolling. Not everyone wants to post their e-mail or make up new ones. Everyone can do as they are like comfortable with.
Anon, Yeshiva Bachur is engaged to someone who I think is already known by now, as he is too. I am not 100% sure so I won't post it here, but i am almost positive that it is already public knowledge both him and his kallah.
Mazel Tov to them.
2/01/2006 6:49 PM
Y.Y. said...
nobody28 and secialx2 are the same beware elisheva of this sick pervy guy
2/02/2006 5:12 AM
nobody28 said...
It's because of guys like YY that I won't even post my anonymous email address... I don't want anyone stalking or bothering me..
2/02/2006 7:29 AM
specialx2 said...
NOBODY - I agree!
Only the two of us can know the real truth as to how extremely offensive he is.
Last time I looked at myself, I was special, and NOT nobody!
2/02/2006 9:38 AM
nobody28 said...
lol - hmmm... how do we connect?
2/02/2006 9:39 AM
specialx2 said...
I'm thinking I'm thinking.
2/02/2006 9:44 AM
specialx2 said...
You think too, please.
2/02/2006 9:44 AM
nobody28 said...
email elisheva and she'll send me your address? I just emailed her and she has my address...
2/02/2006 9:47 AM
Josh said...
Nobody and Special - Why can't you just both email Elisheva and have her put you guys in touch?
Elisheva - One of the things that I've always appreciated about you and your blog is that you represent Torah Judaism so unabashedly, yet aren't afraid to be exposed to other views. I'm sure that this is one of the things that your Chosson loves about you.
As far as continuing your blog, I am of the opinion that you should continue it, but that your Chosson should know about it. Because blogging, and even the internet, is taboo in your community, it would be unfair to have this secret from him. Whether or not your identity is ever compromised, and regardless of the actual thoughts you share here, I just think that a husband and wife should be on the same page. While spouses don't need to know everything that the other one is doing (I don't think there would be anything wrong with maintaining a diary, or something like that), I think that you don't want to create a whole world online that your Chosson isn't a part of, or even aware of. While I admire SG for showing her current male friend (it should be for the best) her blog, you don't have to go that far, but I would at least make sure that he knows what blogging is and that he knows you have your own blog. I guess he could probably figure out which blog is yours pretty quickly, but since he probably doesn't have internet access nor show that much interest in things outside of Torah, he may never actually read it. That is just my opinion, and I'm sharing only because I care! I hope you'll make whatever decision you're comfortable with. I just want to keep hearing good news!
2/02/2006 9:54 AM
specialx2 said...
Nobody - I might
2/02/2006 10:49 AM
Anonymous said...
I would tend to agree with a previous poster here that your playing with fire by continuing to blog. Anybody who know yeshiva guys knows, that no matter how open minded they are, they have a rebbe/rosh yeshiva who they trust. I mean every last guy in the Irv or dorm, no matter how "breit", asks by somebody. Now, when your choson finds out (and he will) he will not make his own decision on this. I dont care how open minded he is. I was in the Irv and there are some guys who to call them "open minded" would be an understatement. Yet. when push came to shove, they all have someone they trust and ask by.
When your choson asks somebody (and i dont care how open minded he is) (even R' Gissinger, shlita), you are gonna have problems. I 'm not saying that theyll tel him to break it off, but I do think they are going to want to speak to you, read the blog, ect..) It aint goin to be pleasant.
I'll be honest, i like to call myself a pretty open minded guy, but if someone came to me asking the question, there is no way i would just say knee jerk, "yes, no problem, shes just worldly."
Elisheva, your plaing russian roullette and the stakes are pretty damn high!!!
Good Luck
2/02/2006 1:51 PM
Fotheringay-Phipps said...
I don't anticipate arguing the blog issue further, as it's your decision and your life. Best of luck, whatever you do.
But I do want to make one point that has a more general application. It is a mistake to automatically equate disapproval of something, even strong disapproval, with "party line close-minded[ness]". These concepts are not necessarily correlated (although they may be related in a given instance). There are frequently genuine grounds for disapproval of a given activity, and even if you yourself disagree with someone else's disapproval, this may be a legitimate difference of opinion rather than an instance of close-mindedness on the part of the other.
It's particularly striking in that you yourself seemed to concede that at least some of your activity here constituted a "failing" (that you therefore intended to keep secret). This seems to contradict your subsequently presenting potential unease with your activities as being necessarily the result of close-mindedness.
(If you'll forgive my suggestion, I think sometimes people can be influenced by the atmosphere and society in subtle ways that they themselves may not be aware of. Sometimes this takes the form of adopting a terminology and frame of reference from other people, which can have a subtle and subconscious influence. This may have relevance here. Or not.)
2/02/2006 3:05 PM
Mata Hari said...
FP - you're a lawyer, correct?
2/02/2006 7:54 PM
geshmaker said...
i'm not going to agree or disagree with any sides in the duscussion at hand. however, there is one point i wuld like to make.
NOT EVERYONE has someone they can trust and talk to. it all depends on the yeshiva/yeshivos he went to BEFORE lakewood.
2/02/2006 8:20 PM
Semgirl said...
Shev..we havent heard from you all day.. I miss you.
2/02/2006 11:00 PM
Chillin in The Lake said...
I dont remember who it was, but someone commented that you should buy lingerie for yourself and he will come around. Every one is different so that is a very not fair statement. There are plenty of frum, good, Yeshiva guys who will appreciate it very much. For many reasons, some because they want it, some cause they see the kallah understands what a guy needs and likes, even if hes frum etc...
About your blog, I think you write well and do it all in a very nice way.
2/03/2006 9:53 AM
ms. shtark said...
enough about the lingerie. so elisheva, did you get a gown yet, sheva brachos suits? are u living in lw or somewhere else like israel? can't wait to here all the good details!!
2/03/2006 10:52 AM
Anonymous said...
I'll agree its not everybody, nut its 95% of the guys. And you'll agree with me that if Elisheva's choson has somebody he asks, then he is going to go straight to whoever that is and ask him what to do.
And then the fit will hit the shan (wink wink)
2/05/2006 8:09 PM
geshmaker said...
why do i get the feeling like you're hoping something like this happens?
can you be such a big shmuck?!?!
2/06/2006 3:08 PM
Elisheva said...
I couldn't get online for a while. Everyone please let's discuss things politely. I don't even have a clue what "the fit will hit the shan" is supposed to mean. If it's a guy thing, this is a girl's blog, so please cool it.
About my chosson and my blog. I don't know why people couldn't read when i wrote so many times that I DID tell him about my internet access. Anyway we had a longer discussion recently, about my blog and stuff. It wasn't what some of you might think, because it was the surprise some of you seem to think it would be. He DID know this kind of stuff not details. I would not have done it unless he did. Anyway, we spoke, we're okay. No, he does not know the name of my blog, (I guess if he'd go online, he'd find it pretty easily). He said he doesn't have to see it unless I feel comfortable showing it to him. This may sound a little dificult, but like real life is not always easy to describe online esecially if I'm trying to keep my anonimity. So whatever, we're cool. Hope that calms the concerned people. I really, really, do hope to post soon.
2/06/2006 3:57 PM
specialx2 said...
Hey Shev! It's good to hear from you!
2/06/2006 4:09 PM
Anonymous said...
elisheva do you know how to wurn around tords? (turn around words) he meant to say shit will hit the fan
2/06/2006 5:35 PM
ChanaR said...
Duh... anon, I dont think Elisheva is that clueless, she was just trying to say keep the coarse language off my blog in a polite way.
Anon, since I am not as 'eidl' as her, I will just straight out say, "Hey, anon, YOU ARE A CREEP , go back to the dorm and entertain yourself ".
2/06/2006 7:12 PM
Anonymous said...
Now what does that mean?? You were not joking when you said you werent "eidl"
2/07/2006 12:27 AM
Elisheva said...
Okay, I really hope to post soon. I don't want a repeat of all the horrid comments and people getting upset like on last post. Please, if there is nothing more to say (which there probably isn't, lol) then just cool it until my next post. I really, hope later tonight.
2/07/2006 8:52 AM
Anonymous said...
chanar maybe you can come and entertain me :-)
2/07/2006 8:55 PM
brianna said...
Mazal Tov, Eli. Feel like we're all one big happy family these days. Sorry I'm so late...almost been too busy for me OWN blog lately.
No advice from me. Enjoy everyone cooing over you during your engagement.
2/07/2006 11:46 PM
ChanaR said...
Anon, in your dreams, LOSER..
2/08/2006 8:55 AM
Anonymous said...
will the real anon please stand up please stand up please stand up
2/08/2006 9:48 AM
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