Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Comments on Shana Tova

Chaim said...
Hi Welcome back! So happy I was before semgirl!!!

9/18/2006 4:45 PM
Elisheva said...
Thanx Chaim. Let me just say that SG is 'First" in many ways, no matter what!

9/18/2006 5:09 PM
Anonymous said...
Ok I'm 3rd (p.s. I just got your email).

Shana tova to you too.. And I hope all will be well with you.

9/18/2006 5:11 PM
Chaim said...
I guess you are right! Hope everything is truly ok!

9/18/2006 6:43 PM
ms. shtark said...

9/18/2006 9:26 PM
Semgirl said...
Strange thing.. I was just going to write you 2 hours ago. And said, nah wait till tommorrow. Glad to see you are back. I have missed you so much.. May the new year bring you only Nachas, Brocha, and Simcha...

9/19/2006 12:52 AM
Y.Y. said...
thnx for showing me that i am right on!

9/19/2006 5:01 AM
Halfnutcase said...
welcome back shev, i hope everything gets better.

9/19/2006 5:31 PM
Scraps said...
Welcome back. Yehi ratzon she'tihiyeh lach shana tovah u'metukah--may this coming year be full of things that are sweet, so that you can see and acknowledge and understand the good in them.

9/22/2006 12:44 PM
Pragmatician said...
i'm so sorry you had such a rough time.
B'H you had someone by your side.

9/25/2006 10:19 AM
David_on_the_Lake said...
Thats what marriage is all about...

Just want to wish you and ur family a wonder ful..wonderful year..Your blog is ..I think the first one..or one of them that I encountered and it encouraged me to start my own..(has it been a year?..)


9/27/2006 11:21 AM
Elisheva said...
You are all very kind. Your wishes are so appreciated. I really hope to get back to posting after succos.

David, I didn't realize I was your first (lol). You changed your sn, didn't you?

Best wishes to all of you for a good year and an easy fast and a lovely succos!

9/28/2006 2:53 PM
ClooJew said...
Whatever it was, I hope it's over and you grow from the experience.

May you be blessed with a year of all good things.

10/03/2006 12:07 PM
Mata Hari said...
Hi Elisheva. Very menshy of you to explain your absence - and yet you were able to maintain your privacy.
I wish you good mazel and happiness in the year to come.

10/03/2006 10:13 PM
Josh said...
Elisheva - Hope everything is going well for you. You are so great at learning from everybody and every situation. May you and your Chosson always learn together, and find the goodness in everything. And share it with us!

10/09/2006 11:56 PM
Lvnsm27 said...
Wow you're back

shana tova

10/10/2006 6:10 PM
Elisheva said...
CJ!!! Josh! You are all too kind.

Josh, I did check your blog for a second, and as ususal, it makes me regret not visiting all the time, but I have not been into stuff too much the last few months. So you are our neighbor now (in NJ)? Did I get that right? Hope you are liking it.

CJ, I keep meaning to e-mail you, but keep putting it off (as usual....)

Mati, thanx. I was trying to do that, and it's nice to know that you noticed. Though, actually, I was thinking over Yom Tov of coming clean so to speak, as in writing about it. It may be good for me, and maybe others, to discuss, but I don't want it to turn into a Wallowing-in-Self-Pity Anonymous...

Ivn, best wishes...

BTW (or not so BTW) I am posting this from Israel!!! We went like totally last minute for Yom Tov, and it's been awesome! Sorry to all those who feel I should have let you know. You are so right, I should have. I meant to, but didn't end up at work with my comp, so I couldn't and then we were off. Now I am by a comp in Israel and on. So cool. Let this be a personal hello to everyone.

Israel is amazing, as usual, lol! So different than experiencing it in sem. Loads to tell you all. Later.

Moadim Leshimcha, Gut Yom Tov and Shalom

10/12/2006 11:31 AM
Semgirl said...
Havent heard from you in a while.. A Gittin Kvittl...

10/13/2006 1:39 PM
Josh said...

So good to hear from you. I hope Sukkos in Israel was amazing. It's been two years since I've been, and there is nothing like it. We want to hear about it (but we understand that you're a buys veib now).

I really am your neighbor! I'm trying to visit Lakewood - I've heard so much about it. As soon as I can make a connection, I hope to go for Shabbos and see BMG. I can't wait to see what everybody's been talking about. I'll be sure to report in when I do!

10/16/2006 4:48 PM
ms. shtark said...
lucky you!!!!!! hope u had a great time!

10/16/2006 10:41 PM
nuch a chosid said...
keep strong, don't let it slip, tough times pass, there are better ones ahead of you!! always

10/27/2006 3:12 PM
Y.Y. said...

11/03/2006 2:20 PM
Elisheva said...

You wish!


11/07/2006 4:53 PM
nuch a chosid said...
Time for a new post, Elishev. in the meen time u may chek out mo blog,

11/09/2006 2:14 PM
Independent Frum Thinker said...
Please check out the new blog. Thank you.

11/15/2006 11:16 PM
Y.Y. said...

12/11/2006 3:52 PM
Anonymous said...
A freilechen chanuka to one and all.

12/14/2006 1:29 PM
Anonymous said...
hmmm... do i smell a divorce?

12/18/2006 8:25 PM
Anonymous said...
I smelll a marriage too happy to be bothered by the petty blog world.

12/19/2006 12:34 PM
Halfnutcase said...
Anonymous, G-d forbid, we all wish elisheva many many happy years of marriage with her husband, he besheret.

More than likely she's just having trouble finding time on the internet, as is kind of an illicit activity in lakewood.

12/19/2006 7:39 PM
Anonymous said...

1/08/2007 2:26 PM
Elisheva said...
you people are hysterical...

Anon before HNC, yes B"H, I guess you are right. I keep meaning to post, but so little time, and I guess my blog is not in my life what it used to be. But I'd hate to shut it, and keep thinking one day I will still post something. I still have like loads of thoughts, just so little time to write them up...

KIT everyone,


1/08/2007 3:44 PM
Zadok said...
MAZEL TOV Elisheva!!! I'm happy to see on semegirls blog that you had a child.Mazel tov.

8/23/2007 1:28 PM
LakewoodShmuck said...
a year since your last post. some of us are still awaiting your return

11/01/2007 10:35 PM
Goldwasser Story said...
hey it's about time you put a new post or I'll never come back here

4/30/2008 8:01 PM

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